Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 19- Respect

Okay, so today there was an "incident" where a person I knew, who is more acquaintance than friend (she's nice but I don't know her that well), found out that another girl (her friend actually) cheated with her boyfriend...

Not explaining this well am I? Person A (my friend) is dating person B... Person B hooks up with person C, person A's friend. Yeah. All three are friends of mine, or at least people I consider friends and hang out with.  Person C's excuse? "oh... she's not my good friend"


Wow. Even I would do that to my worst enemy. I may hate a person's actions, but I still have respect enough for them as a person. I wouldn't debase myself so much as to become "The Other Woman"

How this all relates to bellydance?

It's all about respecting yourself and others. A bellydancer in good standing wouldn't undercut another by gossiping about other's "poor" skills nor would they try to steal anothers' job or business deal by offering a cheaper price.
If they're new in town then would see where they stand in the Bellydance community rather than barging in and taking over.
Good bellydancers give constructive criticism, not hateful trash talk.
One should also respect oneself and present oneself in a light that encourages good publicity (there IS bad publicity you know).
EXAMPLE Sadie and her scandals that have surfaced: the Taxi Cab Confessions (I shudder when I remember that and promptly feel nauseous) and that Kama Sutra show that got her banned from a BD affair.

I dunno... but it seems I just needed to say this. I shouldn't have to but it needs to be said, unfortunately.

"Love thy Neighbor and thyself"
And this way of life should extend to all aspects of your day.

Okay. Getting off my soapbox now.

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