Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 63- New Projects. oh boy... P.S HELP!

So I probably should not be starting a new project when I haven't finished the last, let alone have much time for one (but it IS summer sooo.)
And btw.... this post took me 3 days to write out, which should tell you something!

I'm doing a Pharoh-ic costume (I have no idea how to spell it.)
Lots of blues, reds, yellow/golds

I'm mostly doing this because I'm completely STUCK on my current one. I have the bra base, but am a little stuck on what to do for the design. I have started however

I know... shiny.

But I just recently finished the other side and am at an impasse. I need Ideas.... desperately

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 60- Bellydance Costumes and Inspirations

I have once again picked up my bellydance bra and have started working on it again.
I have it all sewned up. I just have to get some heavy interfacing and line the straps.
THEN I go crazy with the decorating... I am well and truly excited for this and already have plans for the next one. But first I want to get the belt done.

oh yeah... pictures!

ugh! It's too much of a pain to resize and fit to this... so be satisfied my perfectionist mindset!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 59- Closing a Door and Opening a New One

So last Friday was the last day of my high school career (aside from Graduation and all that jazz)
Also yesterday was the last day of my first job.
I got fired.

Yup. Seems the Fates wanted to wrap up everything all into one. SO I am now jobless and school-less.
Look on the bright side, I have a lot more free time on my hands.

I'm not trying to downplay me getting fired. Yes it was wrong but I think I was more a victim on the system rather than negligence.
Start from the beginning? Ok.
So we have this policy that if you want to give away a shift that you (and the person you're giving that shift away to) have to sign a paper and give it to one of the managers. No big deal right?
BUT this must all be done the day before and handed to the managers in their hand.
It's all very last minute and not really put together.
The person who I was giving my shift to actually maxed out her hours already for working part time (35 hours) I also gave her the sheet to give the manager, so I thought I was covered.

I wasn't.

Long story short, I was fired because it's policy for a "No-call No show"
I don't blame anyone but the stupid system.
So now I just have to find another job. Preferably a waitressing job at a restaurant.
Wish me Luck!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 50- Bitter Disappointments

I feel like I'm wasting my time.
Not in the bellydance sense or anything... or the yoga sense.... I'm going great in those fields. I don't even know what I'm talking about

Maybe I should start over. or as "over" as I can since I took a vow not to delete or change anything on my blog (except for spell check so one could understand me)

I'm not going to NYC for college (too expensive), but instead going to a shit little community college... fun fun.
I can't quit my job because it supposed to be financially on the rise. I as going to get a new one I swear.

My precious project of henna-ing for Relay for Life was cancelled due to inclimate weather and we had a 20 minute notice to vacate the facilities.

All this bitching needs a good side though right?
There is!
I found another major in college that I really like, Exercise fitness, and with it I can be a personal trainer among other things.  I plan on getting my Zumba license ASAP. AND Relay for Life is being held again in my town this Friday.... unfortunately it's on the day of my Drama Banquet... But I might not go because of lack of motivation.

My life is actually pretty good right now, things finally seems to be lining up perfectly. I actually am getting a handle on high school life, finding the right friends, making good choices.
Only bad thing is that there's 5 days left.

Is that how the rest of my life is going to be like? Finally figuring things out a second before the end?
Man I hope not.

Maybe I should stop trying to "figure things out" and try to figure myself out. If that makes any sense at all...

My friend got a tattoo today and that got me thinking about my future ink. I've been wanting it for a while now, but was always afraid if it would affect my job, or the future.... like what if I won't like it anymore etc.
But I think it's a keeper, still... I think I'll let it marinate for a while longer.

In yet other news. Finally like a guy and he's going out of state for college. Oh joy.

But let's end on a good note. A Bellydancer who is all tatted up but won't let that stop her:
Rachel Brice!